How to Defer Updates on Windows 10 Home to Control Data Usage

You can defer and delay updates with your Windows 10 Home (Single Language) by going to Windows Settings, Network and Internet then set your internet connection as metered.
If you did not update to the latest Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language to the latest version (1703) and build, we know for sure that you are still using the defer updates …
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If you did not update to the latest Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language to the latest version (1703) and build, we know for sure that you are still using the defer updates option in Windows settings. However, if you have already move on and upgraded to creators update for 2017, the “Defer Updates” is nowhere to be found on your advance options. Sad to say, Microsoft removed that feature on home users who updated to version 1703.
The defer updates is very useful especially if you do not want to use and test the latest available Windows 10 features and also to save your internet data plan consumption. Microsoft features upgrade usually eat up a huge amount of data that is very painful for those who are using limited internet bandwidth.
Windows 10 Home Defer Updates

Turn off or Defer Automatic Windows 10 Home Updates and features

We all know that Windows remove some of the best features like Group Policy (no gpedit.msc) and defer updates for home users. To delay some of your Windows 10 updates, you can check the available options provided below as your reference. Do note that you cannot totally stop or disable the Windows 10 updates with this method. It will only delay some huge updates, to save your data but will still install updates required to run your operating system smoothly.

Set as metered connection
  • Go to Windows Settings
  • Select Network and Internet
  • Go to Wi-Fi if you are connected with a wireless network. If you are using a wired connection, go to Ethernet.
  • For Wi-Fi users, click on “Manage known networks”. For Ethernet, just click the Ethernet option.
  • Select your Wi-Fi network name and click “Properties”.
  • Select “Set as metered connection”.
    Set as Metered Connection

Once you enable this option, your Windows will not install huge update your computer or laptop until you turn off this feature. However, it will still in minor updates that does not bother you too much every time you turn on and off your PC.

If you installed the Group Policy, you can go see option below. 
Hit Win + R and type gpedit.msc.
Go to Computer Management -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Update.
On Defer Upgrade set to Enabled.
