Globe “Send To” Promo Registration Number Changed from 8888 to 8080

Globe now changed their promo registration send to number from 8888 to 8080 when use you the keyword code to subscribe unlimited call, text and internet.
If you’re receiving SMS text notifications from Globe like promo’s and alerts from 8080, don’t treat it as a spam. The company is now rolling out this promo “send to number” from 8…
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If you’re receiving SMS text notifications from Globe like promo’s and alerts from 8080, don’t treat it as a spam.
The company is now rolling out this promo “send to number” from 8888 to 8080. This is to avoid confusions and the answer to our president’s call to use 8888 as hotline for public complaints.
All familiar unlimited call, unli text and internet promo keyword that uses the 8888 access number like GOSURF, GOUNLI, SUPERSURF, GoSakto, STOP a Promo, Surf Alert and other will now use 8080. Since transition phase is still going on both users and the company they will still cater services on 8888 but you will notified via text under Globe 8080.
Globe 8080
All Globe promo now send to 8080

Globe now Uses 8080 Number in Promo Registration

Change may not have big impact to all Globe subscribers. You can share this information to your friends and love ones who uses Globe network services though the company continue to inform all Globe users via SMS regarding this registration promo code change.

If you’re experiencing problem in sending a promo to 8888, you can try 8080 and if the problem still occurs you can call Globe hotline to ask for assistance.

You can use the *143# USSD code menu to register any Globe promos. Just browse and select your desired promo on the list of options. 
