How To Access Internet Properties in Windows 7 Computer

Quick steps and easy steps to access and open internet property using Windows 7 operating system.
Most of us access Internet Properties or Internet options to set Homepage, delete browsing history, change appearance colors, fonts, language etc. On my case I usually access Inte…
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Most of us access Internet Properties or Internet options to set Homepage, delete browsing history, change appearance colors, fonts, language etc. On my case I usually access Internet properties to set proxy in browsing the internet, privacy and security. 

Internet Properties

How To Access Internet Properties in Windows 7 

If you want to access Internet Properties of your computer or laptop you may follow steps below.

1. Click Windows Icon.
Windows 7 Icon

2. Click Control Panel.

3. On Control Panel, click Network and Internet.
Network and Internet

4. Click Internet Options 
Internet Options

5. Internet Properties menu will pop up.

You may also read this post about No Tools Menu in Internet Explorer 7 8 and 9 or No Menu Bar.

That's it, you can now configure settings you want on your Internet Properties.
