How To Add Twitter Updates Widget in Blogger Blogs

Today I am going to write how to add Twitter updates Widget in Bloggers blogs or on any website where you want to integrate your Twitter updates.  We all know that Twitter is one o…
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Today I am going to write how to add Twitter updates Widget in Bloggers blogs or on any website where you want to integrate your Twitter updates. We all know that Twitter is one of the highest growing social networking site where we can share our thoughts and everything on our mind that we want to share to the web world. 

Input Username in Twitter Field

Add Twitter Updates Widget in Blogger Blog

I'm going to write 2 ways on how to add or integrate your twitter updates to your blogs on Blogger

1. Go to
2. Select "My Website" then choose "Profile Widget"
My Website Profile Widget Twitter

3. On Settings type your Twitter username in then "Username" field.
Finish Grab the Twitter Code

4. Customize your Twitter Widget by its Preferences, Appearance, Dimensions.

5. Test your Settings, once your done click Finish & Grab Code.

6. Copy the Javascript code then we will use that to your Blogger blog or on any site.

7. On your Blogger account go to "Layout" then "Add Gadget"

8. On "Basics" look for "HTML/Javascript" and click that. 
HTML/Javascript Widgets

9. Copy the code from Twitter and paste it. 
Paste the Twitter Code in Blogger Widget

10. Click Save and your done!

To check you make click Preview then Save your arrangement.

Howto No. 2:

1. On your Blogger account go to "Layout" then "Add Gadget"
2. On "Featured" tab look for "Twitter Updates" and click that.
Add Twitter Updates Widget

3. Configure Title, Height, Number of updates to display

Customize Twitter Update Widget
4. You may click "Update" to see how it looks like then click "Save" and your done!

That's it, don't forget to Tweet and Like. You may also read this post Like Button for Facebook Fanpage on Blogger.


Jessica Angel said…
Hey. I'm trying to embed my twitter timeline with both ways you are describing here. Though twitter now seems to have a different layout that does not have the "select your widget option" or "customize your widget" Has twitter changed the widgets settings? why am I not seeing twitter layout the way it shows in your pictures? Thank you!!!
Beesgee Sago said…
yes, twitter change their widget configuration. you need to login to your twitter account to customize you Twitter widget.
Jake Shell said…
Thanks Fella.
Rose Caceres said…
Thank you so much, I was about ready to pull my hair out. You saved me a weekend long headache.
Joslin Hartley said…
I can't seem to get the FB one to work :(