Facebook Free SMS Text Application Using ChikkaLite

Since my college days, been using this free SMS text application to text my friends here in Philippines.  Chikka now offers free SMS text from Facebook to any Philippine mobile ne…
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Since my college days, been using this free SMS text application to text my friends here in Philippines.  Chikka now offers free SMS text from Facebook to any Philippine mobile network (only) with latest ChikkaLite Facebook application. It’s a good news to all Facebook users as ChikkaLite free text is now even more accessible to all, we can now send text messages while chatting with our Facebook friends.  

In ChikkaLite you are given 30 credits or 30 free text messages per day, charges applied when you reply a Chikka message sent you P2.50 charged to Globe and Smart and P2 Sun.

Facebook free text Application

How to Access and Use ChikkaLite for FREE SMS Text

1.On Facebook search box search ChikkaLite
2.Click Go To App, read the Terms and Conditions then click Agree if you are their term of service.
Facebook free SMS Application

3.Next is enter your Philippine mobile number e.g 639XXXXXXXXX
4.Wait for the confirmation code sent to your mobile number you entered in Step 3.
Facebook free SMS Text Application

5.Once received, input the code and confirm.
6.You’re now done and ready to use ChikkaLite.

You may also read this post Free Text Messaging Online and Facebook Free SMS Text Apps in Philippines and Download Facebook Chat Applicaton For PC.


Mezo said…
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Unknown said…
Chikkalite pls