Where To Start Your First Blog, Few of Best Blogging Platform

Where to blog? If you want to start creating a blog to share your knowledge, creation, opinion, facts etc. all you need to do is choose a website where you want to host in creatin…
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Where to blog? If you want to start creating a blog to share your knowledge, creation, opinion, facts etc. all you need to do is choose a website where you want to host in creating your blog. I am listing here popular websites to give you an options where to host your blog.

Where to blog Question Mark

List of Blogging Platform To Start An Online Blog

You can check on the following list of websites where you can start creating your own blog. We all have different taste depending on our skills and knowledge, if you find any of the sites recommended you can hit the comment box below.

1. Blogger
Blogger is known site for blogging and hosting your blogs. Owned by Google since 2003. Blogger is a good place for you to start your blog even if you only know a little about coding. Offers free templates and widgets to enjoy your blogging experience.
WordPress  is another blogging site to start your blog, with beautiful features just like blogger. You can also customized your blog, offer free and premium themes. Easy to install and setup  plus  plugins for you to choose to enhanced your blogging.
3. Tumblr

Tumblr is another free of cost blogging site founded in 2007. Well known for its social networking features and interface. Also offers cool themes to customized your blog and lets you effortlessly share anything.
Livejournal is another website that allows you to create blog , journal or on-line dictionary. Free of cost and not just a blogging site as your can also search people, interest and discussions to make it easier for your to keep in touch with your friends.

5. Weebly.com
Blogging engine that uses amazing drag and drop interface, also you can add photos & videos to post with ease. Drag and drop builder makes it easier for you to create professional blog or site without any technical skills required.

Blogetery is a blog website that offers free and premium blogging service. With customizable themes, support adsense plugin to make money on your blog and user can create their desired custom domain just like other blogging site.

Blog.com is a blog hosting that has the features of free sub domain, multi author, service integration with social networking sites, beautiful themes and widgets. Also offers premium features on their blogging services.
