Few Tips You Need to Know on How To Create Blog In Blogger

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Blogger is a web-based tool that helps you publish to the web instantly - whenever the urge strikes. It's the leading tool in the rapidly growing area of web publishing k…
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Blogger is a web-based tool that helps you publish to the web instantly - whenever the urge strikes. It's the leading tool in the rapidly growing area of web publishing known as weblogs, or "blogs".It gives you an easy way to publish your blogs without any installation or coding background. By just encoding and uploading your stuff to your site it will automatically show up as a new content blog post.
How to Create Blogger Blog

Aside from that, Blogger is free and you don’t need to pay for hosting your site or published content. Even if you don’t have much knowledge about HTML, CSS and Javascript still you can manage you design your blog site like a pro. With the help of free blog templates, you can select the theme that fits to your lifestyle and relates your content and target audience.

There are also lots of free third party templates that you can use or apply to your site. Some of this we’re inspired by Wordpress designs and other popular websites. By just keeping the back links to the original author you can freely use the professional template offer by other web developer. 

SEO settings for Blogger is already installed, you don’t to it from the scratch and if you’re knowledgeable enough to do advance SEO tweaks you can also do that with Blogspot blogs. Just go to your Blogger dashboard then Settings, from there you can see all those search engine optimization option that may help your blog rank higher in Google search results.

One more thing to add about Blogger is the Google Adsense Ads ready, by default you already have an option to monetize your blog using Adsense.Before going to that just make sure that you have a good quality content published on your blog before deciding to sign up for an account with Adsense.

Steps to start a blog in Blogspot or Blogger Platform

1. First you need to create A Google Account as the new version of Blogger requires a Google Account to access your blog's features.

Sign In Google
Account details

2. After creating a Google Account, go to Blogger site by clicking Blogger.com . Sign in by using your recently created Google Account. If you already have a Google Account just skip Step 1.

Sign In Account

3.After sign in, the next screen will prompt you to complete your Google Account profile. Use Google profile on your.

Blogger Profile

4.Fill in the required fields to proceed. 

5. After completing the previous steps you now ready to get started with your blog. Just hit the New Blog button to start doing your blog.

New Blog Button

6. Fill in the fields based your desired Blog Title and blog URL.

Blog Title and URL

7. Your almost done! Click the Pencil Icon to start posting.

Blogger Pencil Button

8. Publish and your done!

9.  Lastly, play around with blogger features and tools and search for more advanced tutorials.

After creating your first blog, start exploring Blogger features that you can use for future blogging like template modifications, adding gadgets/widget, SEO optimization and more.
